1. hat einen neuen Badge erhalten
  2. hat einen neuen Badge erhalten
  3. hat einen neuen Badge erhalten
  4. hat einen neuen Badge erhalten
  5. s Beitrag hat 200 Stimmen erhalten

    Which song should be recorded on our upcoming EP?

    Listen to the songs on www.undiscoveredsoul.ch and let us know, which song you like the most.
  6. s Beitrag hat 150 Stimmen erhalten

    Which song should be recorded on our upcoming EP?

    Listen to the songs on www.undiscoveredsoul.ch and let us know, which song you like the most.
  7. s Beitrag hat 100 Stimmen erhalten

    Which song should be recorded on our upcoming EP?

    Listen to the songs on www.undiscoveredsoul.ch and let us know, which song you like the most.
  8. s Beitrag hat 50 Stimmen erhalten

    Which song should be recorded on our upcoming EP?

    Listen to the songs on www.undiscoveredsoul.ch and let us know, which song you like the most.
  9. s Beitrag hat 10 Stimmen erhalten

    Which song should be recorded on our upcoming EP?

    Listen to the songs on www.undiscoveredsoul.ch and let us know, which song you like the most.
  10. hat ein neues Voting erstellt

    Which song should be recorded on our upcoming EP?

    Listen to the songs on www.undiscoveredsoul.ch and let us know, which song you like the most.
  11. hat ein neues Voting erstellt
    Please let us know, which song you like the most.
  12. hat das Voting Demosession kommentiert
  13. hat ein neues Voting erstellt


    Umfrage für unsere Demosession
  14. ist beigetreten


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